Kevin Munc

Kevin Munc

Watching Those Outbound Network Calls

The other day, I dusted off an older MacBook Pro so it might be able to swap in for me when(ever) I take my current one in for its long-dreaded keyboard issues (ugh).

As part of the hours-long update process, rather than update Little Snitch on it, I decided to try an alternative I’ve had my eye on: Objective-See’s LuLu.

(Another alternative that I have yet to try –which looks like it also has other features to compare with Little Flocker-to-XFENCE– is Hands Off!.)

So far, I’m really liking LuLu. It doesn’t have Little Snitch’s Network Monitor view (with map!), but it’s also free & shared source.

I like and use nearly all of Patrick Wardle’s Objective-See apps, and I follow his blog, as well, to keep some high-level of awareness of the security threats related to macOS. I have yet to download anything from the Malware page, however. 😅

If you check out his free apps and end up using some, you can support his work on Patreon, as I do.