Kevin Munc

Is there an Apple Watch workout type for “yard work”? Did I just overlook it (completely likely — or, asking probably unfairly, do the fitness/HealthKit people at Apple just not have yards that they, themselves, work on)?

I started my leaf-raking listening to music, but later switched to Dan Carlin’s new (audio, for me) book, The End Is Always Near. So far, unexpectedly, if you like Hardcore History, this is a safe bet for you.

Beer + Yard Work

We have a beer tap in the garage for parties. When there is beer left over after a party, I feel it is my duty not to let it go to waste. 😉 Two years ago, I had frosty mugs while shoveling show. Just now, my nearly three hours of leaf-raking was punctuated by several pint glasses.

I’m proud of the progress I’ve been making. 🥦💪

Pluggin’ away on Duolingo.

How much food for thought can I ingest during a fast and still stay in ketosis?


Listening to my son’s album. 😁🎶

Today I’m at GDG Ohio Dev Fest and taking in Kotlin and Flutter talks. 👍

I just realized that I have five years of Swift programming experience.

Where did the time go?

Java was 4 years old when I stared with it. Ruby was 14 years old, and COBOL was 38 years old. Swift was only a few months old when I started using it professionally.

I super-enjoyed the latest from @theweeklylisten.

For obvious reasons. 😎😁

Coming soon: 'Lunar Snacks' by Cardboard Cities

It’s my son’s 17th birthday today (I’m still kind of processing that), but rather than do anything else for his birthday tonight, he wanted me to help him get set up with a DistroKid account and upload his first album. It’s submitted and processing!

So keep an eye out for Lunar Snacks by Cardboard Cities on your music service of choice! (Headphones recommended)

“Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?”

I meant to do more of these, but here’s a quick Inktober attempt. 👻

Argh! Ugh! I am frustrated by something I should probably be glad to be frustrated by, but dang, sometimes life+business gets confusing and it gets too easy to accidentally ruffle feathers, despite your best intentions and explicit efforts at being transparent.

My Curmudgeonly Thought of the Day

Reading some tech threads, I see someone state that the “web doesn’t run without JavaScript.”

True, in a sense, but also, strictly speaking, false. The bigger issue in my eyes is that this person’s perspective itself can be a problem, leading to over-engineering and heavier pages.

HTTP doesn’t need JS.

We used to do crazy things like “progressive enhancement.” That’s needed less now, but it also served to keep fundamentals front and center.

Lip service often gets paid to simplicity, but that lip service is likewise often undone by waves of JS dependencies.

In some ways, this also gets to the “web site” vs “web app” distinction — one that is also frequently lost under a pile of <script> tags.

Leather + Feather: a bird mask that my wife made this week.

Plans tonight: three(!) parties. The main one is for my wife’s old company. It is CompuServe’s 50th anniversary!

I don’t understand the lyrics, but this is a fun video from Ningen Isu, a long-time, Japanese, hard rock band that I only first became aware of earlier this year. 🎵 🎸

I have two, ancient posters on the walls of our basement rec room, each of a person who had a significant influence on me in my teen years: Bruce Lee and Randy Rhoads.

Spring(?) cleaning.

I don’t think I need these anymore.

Kindle Feature Fail

I remain surprised that, if you download the sample of an Amazon eBook to the Kindle app on iOS, read it and make some highlights in it, then proceed to purchase the entire book, the Kindle app loses your progress and highlights.

This is a “success” path for the Kindle business, isn’t it? Seems like they’d want it to not leave a sour taste every time. Does it (still) do this on actual Kindle devices?

In any case, it seems like a good way to make me more likely to pay a higher price for the (nearly always nicer looking) Apple Books version of an eBook (when available).


Attended Release Notes 2019 in Cancun. Back home for less than two days, then hit the road to Grand Rapids for Midwest UX. Stayed an extra night to see the Ghost concert there.

Addendum 1: If you have never seen Ghost play live, you are missing out.

Addendum 2: My wife is helpfing organize Midwest UX 2020 in Columbus, OH, so watch for tickets. :)

Kept ‘em all.

/ @dazeend @joec

Music Streaming Hurts (Me)

Adopting a streaming music mindset is not going smoothly for me. I feel compelled to purchase music that I could now stream for free. How to decide which to buy? If any?! Ugh. Some of the friction I’m feeling has got to be wrapped up in my self-identity as a lifelong supporter of indie music. 😑

I dislike when I open mobile web browsers only to have the already-loaded page reload. I hate it when this happens when I have weak-to-nonexistent connectivity.