Kevin Munc

: Where do I get to report on Kindle reading streak failures? Because there are many. M.A.N.Y.

: Lions, Rams, and Other Buckeyes, oh my! TIL that —like so much of pro football’s history— the Detroit Lions started life as an Ohio team. 🏈 …

: TFW you realize that you first registered your primary domain a quarter century ago.

: I’m still on a high from watching the Columbus Crew win the MLS Cup. ⚽ I dislike how season …

: I’m starting to feel like I should bill Musk for the accumulating time of my limited life span that …

: I really enjoy the series “Reservation Dogs”. Big announcement, I know. Hope you can deal with it.

: TFW you haven’t sat down for more than an hour, and yet your Apple Watch hasn’t …

: New Repeat Vinyl When I was young, there were a handful of artists that I had more than one vinyl LP from. KISS was …

: I also use other apps, just not as consistently. This is in Drops. I study Mandarin and Spanish (and …

: I’m still doing a thing. A few minutes a day adds up, I guess.

: WWDC. Tim. Ferris. (No, not Tim Ferris!) 😱 Uh oh. WWDC begins on the (alleged) anniversary of Ferris’ day off. Should I take the day off? Will …

: Currently watching the video here • Segregated By Design.

: I continue to be entranced by this guy’s guitar playing. 🎸 This short video doesn’t show half of …

: My top wish for WWDC ‘23? All Xcode improvements, all day long. Fix bugs, auto-format on save, …

: Casual observation: maybe my impression is wrong, but I feel like there have been more guitar solos …

: All the Heavy Music It’s a concert-heavy week for me. Because of that, it kind of pains me, but I’m skipping Polyphia on …

: So, just a quick mention that the band I’ve been most excited about for the last 9-10 months is The …

: TFW you are at a concert (and not tall), and trying to align your view of whichever band …

: If you were a fan of Blind Melon back in the day, a local music lover & journalist I know …

: TFW Lyft gives you a driver, then switches to a further away driver, then switches to an even …

: No HK in AN So, in Apple News you can search and follow “topics”. Among the various kinds of topics are cities …

: I can tell when my Apple Reminders are “second attempts” via Siri, as they are …

: TST Health provides free religious telehealth medication abortion care, courtesy of The Satanic …

: It warms my heart to know that the lead singer of “Big Four” Thrash band Anthrax has a Journey …

: How long until the old, easily spoof-able telecom system is supplanted with something more secure …

: Three weeks into the year, and I’ve finished reading three books so far. 📚 Maybe I should try this …

: Just based on my own experience, I think that FedEx has fallen way behind UPS and USPS this year. …

: I’m digging this new podcast, American Football. I know much about the early history of the NFL — …

: Been watching some talks from NeovimConf, but have been most interested to see the Lapce (Rust- and …

: Happy Repeal Day! Happy Krampusnacht!

: Here’s a summary of what my music platform said topped my 2022: Top Song: Golden Liar by Zeal …

: 3 packages arriving today. First arrived, as expected. Second went to the wrong address (UPS). Third …

: Family Holiday Tradition, '22 Edition Tonight, we commence a family tradition of watching all of The Hobbit and all three of The Lord of …

: Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 Also, happy Friendsgiving! Good wishes, too, to those observing Thankstaking, …

: Go is a teenager now

: Happy Carl Sagan Day!

: V O O O O O T E !

: Just read in a marketing email: You can’t un-play a Nickleback song. The damage is done. …

: To Vim or Not to Vim? (Or, to Helix, or, maybe, just stick with vscode?) Years ago, I used Vim daily. I could feel my fluency grow. I liked it. But then the near necessity …

: On this day… October 19, 1994 NeXT Computer, Inc. and SunSoft, Inc. are pleased to release …

: It’s a 3-concert week for me: 🎸 Tomorrow –> Zeal & Ardor (spirituals+black metal), …

: Note to self: Even when it will be 90°F at a conference, pack a jacket anyway! Those conference …

: People who work at airlines are nice. Airlines, themselves, are assholes.

: Happy Whyday, everybody! (Post attempt No.2)

: I think the ether might have swallowed my most recent post. Then again, I am on the road in Iceland …

: Is "grumpy" ever a UX goal? 🧂 Is it just me, or does the UX for Zoom’s bottom buttons leave something to be desired? I click …

: A Curmudgeonly Status (with Parentheticals) A nice early evening, after a long week. I go out to the front yard to decompress. I find that I …

: A podcast I subscribe to is playing a guest episode from another podcast where the person being …

: Maybe I’m just looking right past it, but I think the 🤘 emoji (among others) is missing from …

: A Better E-G-B-D-F 🎼 During my brief stint as an actual music student taking lessons, I always thought the mnemonic for …

: About to see the Del McCoury band live for a second time. And tomorrow night for a third time. 🎻🪕

: Bob Ross Remix 🎵

: My favorite album of the past year? 🤔 Most likely Colors II by Between the Buried and Me.

: My favorite recent album? Glad you asked. 😉 🎸 Zeal & Ardor cc: @joec

: I’m watching a demo of “quantum chess” (complete with superposition, entanglement, etc), and it is …

: It’s not a good day when you have to force-quit Activity Monitor over and over…

: Another test post. So, here’s a photo of an old, sealed, indie band’s cassette. Sent at 14:08 …

: This is a test post. I’m seeing a couple of odd things on M.b today: timestamps from the …

: I did a thing.

: After much deliberation, I’ve decided not to listen to the Release Notes podcast going forward. …

: Oops. I thought this image would be attached to my last post. Also: “won” is relative. I think I …

: Phew! The Diamond Tournament was fierce. 😅 Duolingo! Here’s my invite link: …

: I’m excited to play around with this new iOS music-making app.

: I think today might be the anniversary of the world’s first web page.

: So… …is World War Z the perfect pandemic movie? I feel like strong arguments can be made. 😏

: Happy birthday Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix!

: I didn’t carve any pumpkins this year (wife did that solo), but I did bring out the fog machine plus …

: You’d think I’d be more capable by now, lol.

: Today is our 26th wedding anniversary, and I just realized that our marriage is now older than we …

: TFW you adjust your schedule, all day, waiting for UPS to deliver your new iPhone 🤗— only for them …

: Happy Stanislav Petrov Day!

: I wonder if Flutter Desktop will eventually be able to overtake Electron. Electron is kinda hated. …

: Meet Defect Went to join a Google Meet. Before I even joined, I could hear someone typing away. Clickety-clack! …

: Also from DC.

: All of these photos from @manton in DC while I’m in DC makes me understand why I was pretty darn …

: Listening to an audio book about a childhood hero — and thoroughly enjoying it. 📚

: I’d like it if macOS / Apple keyboards had a dedicated, hardware mute/unmute button. Until …

: Well, I’m officially the parent of a high school graduate. Our son made it through an unusual time …

: As a life-long metalhead, it is my serious opinion that one of the heaviest songs ever is In the Air …

: Some programmers write 1,000 lines of code to avoid repeating 4 lines 4 times. It’s a seductive …

: The Last 6 Weeks at Work In a nutshell, as part of a small team, with myself and two other mobile-side developers, following …

: The Pizza Sauce (Mystery) Thickens! The two bottles I ordered were delivered yesterday… …

: An “on this day” photo feature reminded me of these awesome light sabers my son designed and made …

: KlaSSic KISS 🎸

: The Mystery of the Pizza Squeeze So… This is odd. I sometimes use a (possibly not very popular) food product called Contadina …

: Anyone have a recommendation for an identity theft service? I have to deal with the junk myself …

: Poking fun at things I studied in college: The State of Nature: Hobbes vs Rousseau - Existential …

: Been trying to do this for a good while now. Finally got it this week.

: Been a long work week, and next is set to be even longer. So I just took a break to play guitar for …

: Misplaced Patriotism: A Published Draft, or Thought-in-Progress Just a thought, evolving, not yet fully formed, that I wanted to record as I continue to consider it …

: 1st playoff road win since 1969. BOOM! Thank you, Cleveland Browns! 🏈

: This year, I unsubscribed from a handful of podcasts, and as a result my audio book “inbox” is …

: Is “2020” officially a four-letter word now?

: FYI: if your nose is not behind your mask, you are doing it wrong. 🙄

: Now Listening: Sad Wings of Destiny by Judas Priest ( 🎵🎧

: James Dalton or Wade Garrett?

: Evaluating NotePlan I’ve started trying out NotePlan this week. I’ve long(!) kept “daily notes” …

: Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off. 🧐

: I am decidedly a “condiment person.” Love me some condiments! And sauces and spreads. And dips. My …

: Getting a shingles inoculation today, and wondering how many more times in my life will I need to …

: Did Apple remove the ability to import music CDs? I bought a CD. Why? The band is not available in Apple Music. So, I try to import it to …

: I’m a little surprised to find that my “a minute or two of Duolingo every day” apparently landed me …

: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I hate leaf blowers.

: I just deleted a reply that was totally well-intentioned but that I feared might be misunderstood at …

: Smart Playlists. Dumb Apple. Apple used to tout how much it loved music. Well, among many other examples of this no longer being …

: If I were on my deathbed right now, I’d want a button I could press (or, rather, release) as I pass …

: Born Today Today would have been Bruce Lee’s birthday (1940) and Jimi Hendrix’s birthday (1942). I think that …

: Editor Extensions: This line of thought might become a rabbit hole I’ve been using Panic’s Nova for Ruby and JS work on a client project. Now, as I move …

: What does it mean when UPS says my package was loaded on a truck and marked “out for delivery” …

: I was getting dangerously low on SSD space. DaisyDisk found lots of space that iMazing had hanging …

: As of Nov 1st, I’m the parent of an 18yo. Time: how it flies!

: My Apple Watch / Activity challenge for November is based on the number of 15-minute+ workouts I do. …

: Rational Self Interest - Existential Comics

: Was nicely surprised to notice today that I’ve got the “Arctic Code Vault Contributor” …

: Dash P Dash Dash HTTP Port I’m accidentally becoming more deft at passing flags to run things on non-default ports this …

: I’m considering changing my “Official™” job title (as used for online registration forms) from …

: My wife got me a guitar for our anniversary. She’s awesome! And it’s niiice… 🤤 It’s an Ernie …

: A Tale of Two Sunglasses I went to eye doctor for an exam and new glasses. Took my prescription sunglasses with me in …

: Time is wild. 🕰 25 years ago today, my wife and I got married. ❤️ And we’re still going …

: Like an earworm that had been through a torturous science experiment, I woke up with an odd and …

: Tomorrow, I’ll be celebrating Stanislav Petrov Day.

: Zoinkees! I’ve lost 14lbs in the last month, nearly 12 of that in the last week. This is a heck of …

: So far, since dinner on Friday, I’ve had a grand total of about 250 calories of food (consisting of …

: “Heartbreaker”. 🎸 Whose song of this title is “better” in your opinion: Led Zeppelin or Pat Benatar?

: TFW your 7-day average (or, I think more accurately, 7-fast rolling average) for fasting duration is …

: The Yellow and Black are Back 🎶 (Yes, I'm actually referring to Stryper.) If in the 1980s you had told me that Stryper would have the #1 album in the Metal category on iTunes …

: I may not post here consistently, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have streaks going on elsewhere! 🤓😎 …

: Listening to an album that is 36 years old today. 🎶🤘

: TFW your 15-minute stand up meeting takes 1hr 15min.

: I’ve been studying a little bit of Morse Code for the heck of it, and while I’m getting better, the …

: Fun bonus episode from one of the (growing number of) podcasts I support.

: An old memory is currently playing in my brain: the chorus of my friend’s band’s …

: Even though our trip to Iceland had to be canceled, I’m continuing to learn a little bit of …

: Stipe ~~> Rising Heart Rate I just watched a little highlight video of some of Stipe Miocic’s UFC fights. I think my heart …

: Controllerism I was reminded today of the “Robocaster” that an artist I met back at SecondConf in 2013 …

: Achievement unlocked: persistently-stuck oven drawer unstuck!!

: Life is too short to shave more than once per week.

: Did I just force my daughter to listen to Weird Al Yankovic’s The Biggest Ball of Twine in …

: TFW you realize you might be almost as comfortable in vscode as you are in Xcode.

: I keep learnin’. Every day. Trying to improve. Sometimes I take a step (or three) back. But I try to …

: eBook Reading Progress It’s halfway through the year, and according to Apple Books and Amazon Kindle (so, not counting …

: HK I have wanted to get back to Hong Kong so badly, for so long. The last time I was there was in early …

: Yeah, I think I’m done with Firefox. Years ago, I was able to AppleScript it enough for my …

: I happened upon this unexpected video today. I’m glad it exists.

: Wish I could join the virtual Micro Meetup today! Unfortunately, I have to miss it. : I hope …

: The Fun & Tyranny of Programming Editor Choices Now that I find myself programming outside of Xcode at least as often as within, I keep thinking …

: TFW you spend the entire day working, juggling, and scrambling to get everything done so you can …

: Decentralized registry and “dBlogs” on IPFS. 🤔 The Domain Startups Building an …

: Some days, I like everything about working with programs and computers except for the software and …

: Just watched (all?) four episodes (of about 4 minutes in duration each) of Two Pink Doors on …

: I already listen to _too many podcasts ™ _, but then I check out this episode of another one and …

: A Kickstarter Campaign I'm Excited About 🎸 Yes! I have wanted one of these for a long time. The first campaign didn’t get funded. I …

: I guess it’s a Duolingo anniversary of sorts for me.

: Looking for a bearded emoji, and the short story that lead me here. Work break. Playing guitar. Loud (with headphones). Getting crazy (but still playing seated). Really …

: Since I shave my head, I never have “bed head”. Sometimes, though, I do have “bed …

: The league competition in Duolingo seems to be fiercer lately. That’s really the main reason I …

: The Profession of Programming Note: It has since been remarked that the below information may not be correct. The quoted blurb …

: Unread overflow.

: Since I stopped drinking soda-cola-pop more than a year ago, I’ve added green and black tea …

: Is Siri is suggesting a new, social distancing-friendly way of attending music concerts?

: So… If I am able to go to Europe via NYC as planned on Friday, will I subsequently be able to …

: So, despite my fondness for the evolution of human languages, I’m still with Wilhite and a …

: ‘B’s I went on an hour-long Bike ride in the Bright sun (and 40ºF temps). 🚴 I tried Breathing in through …

: The fact that there is a new Huey Lewis & The News album out today makes me feel a little better …

: It’s been one year since I had a soda. Or a cola. Or a pop. \o/ I stopped on a whim. Before …

: For any of my programmer friends who have somehow never seen it, I hereby notify you of this truly …

: This warning popped up during my bike ride today. There is a lot of wind out there — enough for a …

: What beliefs or habits do I have today that will look silly, or wrong, or otherwise outrageous …

: Happy New Month Eve, everybody! 🎆

: It’s 2020 and I’m still adding articles to my read-later service at a faster rate than I actually …

: Beyond Meat and Impossible Burgers? Okay. But I’m ready for insect protein. Bring on the bugs! 🦗

: 2, 33 and Counting... I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for about a year-and-a-half. It has been working for me. I feel …

: A watched baggage claim conveyor belt doesn’t move. Especially after 1am. Nor does it boil, but I’m …

: I never bet on sports before, but I did for tonight’s UFC event. I love Conor, but I’ve been a …

: TFW it isn’t yet 7am on what will be a long day, and you already have 6 stand hours.

: Swift 5.1’s Property Wrappers seem pretty sweet. While I’m still sort of a holdout for …

: I kinda feel like, if I (or 1Password) enters “Ohio” into your form, and your form shows no …

: Not exactly my normal musical fare, but I’ve been a fan of this band for a lot of years: Scandal’s …

: I continue trying to use Siri to create reminders — but it still so flawed. 😞

: Busy day in progress. Lots to do. If I can get half of my list+agenda completed, I’ll be happy. And …

: There are only two things to remember. Number one…Don’t Stop, and number …

: Lolz. We set off to walk about a mile to another place to watch NCAA football, but it was sprinkling …

: I’ve returned in 2019 to reading a lot. I make LOTS of highlights when I read, whether print or …

: Took this at the midpoint of my 17.8mi bike ride this afternoon. Second bike ride in as many days. …

: Apparently, it is possible walk 20k steps at >2.5mph, close my Apple Watch’s activity ring, …

: TIL: The acronymns POTUS and SCOTUS originated in Philips Code.

: Old News / Same News I recently made a playlist of some LPs that were high-rotation for me in high school. The currently …

: TFW you hit your 12 stand hours goal before 3pm. 🥱

: When I have to scroll to see all of the breakpoints in Xcode’s Breakpoint Navigator, then I know …

: TIL: Acronym vs. Initialism “Most readers probably know that an acronym is an invented word made up of the initial letters …

: Shapes. (My collection of SIM card extraction tool varieties is growing.)

: Happy New Month, everyone!

: Listening to bands like Gojira + Cattle Decapitation (both bands have environmentally-aware lyrics) …

: I think this is overstating the situation.

: So, Rage Against the Machine is reuniting, but will they release new music, or just tour? I’d like …

: Coding Buddy.

: Well, I guess I’ve officially listened to every episode of the Independence podcast. :\ (sock …

: After a quick skim through my M•b feed, I think I can spot the mbnov cue word for the day. 🙂 Either …

: I could really stand to stay inside tonight with as much work as I have to do and with the …

: I’m curious: Does anyone on Micro•blog cross-post to Pnut•io? If so, how?

: Is there an Apple Watch workout type for “yard work”? Did I just overlook it (completely likely — …

: I started my leaf-raking listening to music, but later switched to Dan Carlin’s new (audio, for me) …

: Beer + Yard Work We have a beer tap in the garage for parties. When there is beer left over after a party, I feel it …

: I’m proud of the progress I’ve been making. 🥦💪

: Pluggin’ away on Duolingo.

: How much food for thought can I ingest during a fast and still stay in ketosis? 😜

: Listening to my son’s album. 😁🎶

: Today I’m at GDG Ohio Dev Fest and taking in Kotlin and Flutter talks. 👍

: I just realized that I have five years of Swift programming experience. Where did the time go? Java …

: I super-enjoyed the latest from @theweeklylisten. For obvious reasons. 😎😁

: Coming soon: 'Lunar Snacks' by Cardboard Cities It’s my son’s 17th birthday today (I’m still kind of processing that), but rather …

: “Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it …

: I meant to do more of these, but here’s a quick Inktober attempt. 👻

: Argh! Ugh! I am frustrated by something I should probably be glad to be frustrated by, but dang, …

: My Curmudgeonly Thought of the Day Reading some tech threads, I see someone state that the “web doesn’t run without JavaScript.” True, …

: Leather + Feather: a bird mask that my wife made this week.

: Plans tonight: three(!) parties. The main one is for my wife’s old company. It is CompuServe’s 50th …

: I don’t understand the lyrics, but this is a fun video from Ningen Isu, a long-time, Japanese, hard …

: I have two, ancient posters on the walls of our basement rec room, each of a person who had a …

: Spring(?) cleaning. I don’t think I need these anymore.

: Kindle Feature Fail I remain surprised that, if you download the sample of an Amazon eBook to the Kindle app on iOS, …

: Gallivanting Attended Release Notes 2019 in Cancun. Back home for less than two days, then hit the road to Grand …

: Kept ‘em all. / @dazeend @joec

: Music Streaming Hurts (Me) Adopting a streaming music mindset is not going smoothly for me. I feel compelled to purchase music …

: I dislike when I open mobile web browsers only to have the already-loaded page reload. I hate it …

: This new Music app on macOS is going to take some getting used to. Where are the reviews? How can I …

: L-I-S-T-E-N ~> S-I-L-E-N-T

: So how bad is it when you are upgrading to Catalina, and it is stuck on the final “Setting up your …

: I’m through airport security and on my way to Release Notes 2019. See you all soon!

: Gotta head to the airport in about five hours. I should probably go to sleep.

: The leaves on the bike paths are becoming more numerous. 🍂 Guess I should start considering a …

: 🚴‍♂️ > Slow Cars Been biking kind of regularly the latter half of this summer. Enjoying it! When pressed for time, …

: Thanks for the time-saving, Overcast!

: I’ve just been informed that I’ve read 27 books this year. 🤨📚🤔🧐

: My Sunday: Slept in. Did laundry and played guitar. Took a leisurely 24mi bike ride. Now sitting in …

: Oh, cruel world! The terrible misery, horrible distress, wretched anguish, and stinging reality of… …

: Every single piece of Apple tech I own is misbehaving today. The key takeaway? That my ability to …

: Apple Card Early Days (Needs Automation) I like the Apple Card so far. However, in lieu of a “normal” way to import Apple Card …

: The Anti-Vest: Musical Uniform-turned Political? A patch-laden denim vest, metal-fan style, but instead of having traditional band logos, I’m …

: An exercise in perspective. (It is also a free, 8-minute video version of a short story by the …

: So. Many. Things. To learn. To do. To address. To experience. To throw out. To see. To clean. To …

: I’m reading about sleep health, and now even more convinced that my decades of (often intentional) …

: In other news, I hit a mini-goal yesterday. I have weight data for myself going back ten years, and …

: The last year has been tough professionally. But, I feel like I’m about to enter a period …

: So far today I’m playing a shuffle of two European bands with catalogs that span many decades and …

: “Whatever university you start at, you always end up graudating from I.O.U.”

: Tonight my wife, myself, and some friends went to a concert. A hard rock / 80s metal concert. On a …

: Audio Listening & Book Format Decisions I’ve been ramping up my reading again lately –which is I’m thrilled I am …

: It arrived! 🎶

: Refreshing my memory of how to play R.E.M.’s Losing My Religion and part of Rod Stewart’s Maggie May …

: Uncertain about the truth of climate change? Ask the insurance actuaries.

: Experience- & Expertise-in-Print Problems My résumé/CV gets longer with each contract I complete, but I think it is saying less as a result. I …

: It looks as though I joined App●net seven years ago today. 🗓 Is that right? 🤔 …

: My current (and recently modified) iPhone dock contents: Drafts,, OmniFocus, Marvis Pro.


: Solitude awaits! The kids go back to school tomorrow. Between a lengthy bathroom demo+remodel and then summer break, …

: Gonna try an Apple Music trial. Sigh... I’m not sure I’ll stick with it. I am definitely a curmudgeon in terms of my old school …

: It’s surprising how often I wish I had a second camera handy to capture when iOS goes crazy on my …

: I enjoy seeing Tool dominate the music charts since adding their back catalog to digital services — …

: I’m missing The Aristocrats concert tonight. Just too much else to do right now. :( Consoled myself …

: A while back, I set up notifications for some specific, individual accounts in IG and Tw, and only …

: I’m already feeling like a grumpy old man tonight (tonight was fun), but what does it mean to …

: 🎵 I’ve also been on a kick listening to more Triumph lately. I never saw them live, …

: Had nearly forgotten how much I enjoy Suicidal Tendencies. In particular —for me— Join …

: Does the fact that there is –in my lifetime– now a 3rd generation of Charlie’s …

: This year, for the first time, I walked in the Independence Day parade with my street’s float. It …

: Bike & Beer Biked 7 miles 🚴‍♂️ and now having a beer 🍺 at one of my traditional stops here: The Big Bamboo Café. …

: Eating dinner. Outdoor seating. Hoping for the advent of nano drones AI-trained to keep flies away …

: I often use MarsEdit to —among other things— fix typos in my posts. I just realized I need to figure …

: Chin-Beard Encounter Just had one of the servers bring me a water un-prompted. I thanked him, and he replied with a big …

: On vacation. Perhaps I should take this opportunity to post more often. :) It might help if the …

: I don’t have the money for one of these, but I’d still like one. :) MIDI Sprout Heard about it here.

: There has never been a good “field guide” app on iOS for North American trees. I wish there was, …

: When I was a kid, nuclear war was the big doomsday worry. “It could happen.” Watching the Ice on …

: I have a road trip coming up. Made a new playlist for it with these artists: The Dear Hunter (ht: …

: Well, try as I might to avoid it, I’ve added another subscription to my podcast player. And it has …

: I think Forrest Gump might be choice for “stranded on a desert island movie.”

: Long Weekend of Live Music Three venues, four days, five stages. 🎸 Sun, rain, wind, a rainbow. 🌈 I saw bands; I …

: Tomorrow: three (more) days of music.

: Saw Buckethead live for the 1st time tonight. Fun show! He started late: 2hrs 25min after doors. No …

: A new edition of my favorite programming book ever is available as a beta. I think I read the …

: My current ear worm is a song I’ve been a fan of since its release in 1980. And it is almost …

: Just playing around with posting from IG.

: Sounds like Instagram is toying with hiding like counts, which is very interesting.

: I keep hearing the fans blasting on my MacBook Pro when I’m not doing much on it, and so …

: TFW you reach for the top of your iPhone screen to hit Save only to have a notification come down …

: ”…interrogate the architecture of social networks that incentivize and reward the …

: TFW you struggle to find where the log statements that you temporarily added for debugging are at so …

: I don’t check my Mastodon timeline(s) often, and maybe I’m not following enough people there (is …

: Watching Those Outbound Network Calls The other day, I dusted off an older MacBook Pro so it might be able to swap in for me when(ever) I …

: I have begun my binge-listen catch-up for this new-to-me podcast: Hi-Phi Nation – A show about …

: TFW force-quit itself freezes.

: Got to see Jon Batiste perform live last night. Super fun. 🎵 Still thinking about it.

: “From Bacon’s utilitarian perspective, knowledge, in the sense of truth, no longer had …

: I used to take advantage of windy days like this as a kid. I’d get a plastic bag, hold it above my …

: I’m enjoying this episode of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Addendum. It’s striking some chords with …

: Editor Decision Made I might write more about this later, but today I made a decision. I had intended to re-embrace Vim …

: Ah, Philosophy. Aladdin’s Wish - Existential Comics

: This Intermittent Fasting thing is getting easier.

: Uh oh. I just had that awe-ful/-some thing where, while looking into a new book I would probably …

: I deleted 50 apps from my phone yesterday. I plan to remove more tomorrow. Would Marie Kondo be …

: I turned down my first (tiny) promotion before I had even really began my career. Reading this article made me reminisce about that event. That promotion would have been to …

: TIL (or, rather, relearned) that David Coverdale and I share a birthday. He’s 19 years older …

: Lol. Bloggers: NASA has discovered a new planet covered with marijuana Rated …

: New comic about climate concerns. You are not alone.

: Juice from the buzz in the air.

: Office desk detail.

: I enjoy listening to Henry Rollins

: This performance needs more views. That is damn impressive.

: A Reply Turned Full Post with Feature Request “[Untitled]” by @dimsumthinking got me thinking. He makes some good points …

: Planning to simplify, reduce and minimize some things this year. I’ve begun by trimming my podcast …

: Lost Web Content This instance is not a big deal, but I just followed some loose ends and found myself checking …

: I got my son a 5-by-5 Rubik’s Cube (normal size is 3x3) for Christmas. As he just set it down on the …

: Current status: playing with the Moog Etherwave Theremin that my wife gave me for Christmas. 🎵🎼🎶

: On breaks today, I’m learning how to play something on guitar that my son wrote.

: Reflecting on JSPWiki Back in 2001 I started using a wiki for my team. Over time, I was repeatedly told to shut it down, …

: Not a Fan of Two-step (not Two-factor) Logins Getting really tired of Atlassian’s two-step log on process: first enter email and submit, …

: Hiding Desktop Detritus while Presenting on Mac I have used apps for this, and I used to have these commands installed as system services, but now I …

: Browser Console & Homework Help My tech skills came in handy for helping my daughter with homework tonight. She came to me saying …

: One Downside of Masks Last night we went to a friends’ Stanley Kubrick-themed holiday party wearing leather masks …

: Current status: watching a GG Allin documentary while I fold laundry.

: Two offer emails, to two different addresses, ten minutes apart. Same offer (a Guitar World + Guitar …

: TIL: there are metal versions of Studio Ghibli songs. The world is a fantastic place sometimes. 🤘

: I could go for a new album from Toad the Wet Sprocket. 🎧

: If I’m on the ‘features’ page for your desktop email app, and a search for …

: I’m not sure I’m doing this right. (Note: ‘this’ is just about everything today.)

: I enjoy this IG account my friend has which depicts old-timey robots.

: I could use a batch delete option in Overcast. Is there one I’m overlooking? This is probably not …

: I’m not a huge fan of Grand Funk Railroad, but I totally love Inside Looking Out and …

: When the day comes that I get a (semi-)hollow body electric guitar, one of the first things …

: I like my GIF like I like my gin: tasty and satisfyingly pronounced.

: I’m not big on cross-posting, but I also don’t expect to show up as a built-in option for …


: I think I just accidentally started NaNoWriMo-ing.

: I’ve never had one myself, but I must say that I’m happy that the heavy metal, patch-laden denim …

: I think my stick-shift car (GTI) is posing some issues for the current valet staff.

: Once again, my smoke machine was appreciated on Halloween.

: I’ve spent so long waiting for a new Mac mini, and yet I’m not ready to pull the …

: This short episode about shipping vessel noise’s impact on dolphin communication actually made …